Monday, April 11, 2016

Theater Recommendation - NEON BULL (dir. GABRIEL MASCARO)

I'll just get this out of the way right from the get-go: this film is pretty much only for the "arthouse" crowd. That sounds super pretentious and obnoxious, but the reality is that unless you're into movies like this, films with virtually no plot, solely concerned with presenting characters in their natural environments within a strangely artistic lens, then you'll probably think this is the most boring and stupid movie I've recommended so far. Also, if you have difficulties with animals essentially being tossed around for "sport", this film could also be triggering for you...

But... with all that being said... I really liked it...

The film focuses on a group of Brazilian rodeo workers and cowboys who have formed a ragtag "family" of sorts as they travel wherever their rodeo work takes them. It's maybe the most nontraditional road trip movie I've ever seen, and that's not the only thing nontraditional about it. The main character, Iremar, played by Juliano Cazarré, may wrangle bulls by day, but his true love is fashion design. He makes costumes for exotic dancers and sketches clothes on the bodies of nude women in porno magazines. The film has very little intention or desire with sticking to typical, socially defined gender norms, and creates an environment which feels entirely foreign, but simultaneously ideal. 

There are a lot of really weird scenes in here that would likely make most audiences uncomfortable (a lot of bizarre horse imagery... that's all I'll say...), but I found the whole thing to be fascinating. This is certainly one of the most different film experiences I've had so far this year, and quite possibly one of my favorite. 

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