Saturday, February 20, 2016

Theater Recommendation - THE WITCH (dir. ROBERT EGGERS)

YES, ANOTHER GOOD MOVIE HAS FINALLY HIT THEATERS!!! This psychological horror film/period piece has received universal acclaim from critics and has consistently been referred to as "one of the most genuinely unnerving horror films in recent memory"...

I actually didn't find it that frightening, but it's still incredible! The horrific dynamic and creepiness amongst this falsely attached (and overzealously religious) family feels both very old-school and entirely refreshing since most horror films of today don't understand the necessity of building strong and deep relationships amongst their characters (or, perhaps more appropriately, victims). 

It's a slow build for sure, but a confident one from first-time director Robert Eggers. Newcomer Anya Taylor-Joy stars as the eldest daughter in a family with intensely strong beliefs in witches and the evils they possess that terrorize them all. The film claims to be based on actual documents from 17th century writings (you can choose how much of that you want to believe...), but it throws in just enough supernatural flourishes to make it all connect. 

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